Lean / CI Resources

The following Internet Web Sites are resources to go to for more information on Lean and Continuous Improvement projects and organizations.

The list is not all-inclusive and a site’s listing should not be considered an endorsement of the accuracy of or support for the information/views expressed in each site.


Lean Enterprise Institute 
Lean Enterprise Institute publish books, workbooks, and case studies, run workshops and conferences, and conduct research that helps companies transform themselves into lean enterprises, based on the principles of the Toyota Business System. They also help managers and executives develop the leadership behaviors that sustain lean enterprises.
Lean in Government – U.S. EPA 

Lean Government helps improve the speed and quality of processes by eliminating wastes such as document errors, unnecessary process steps, and waiting time.

Lean Government initiatives help:

  • Identify and eliminate waste in programmatic and operational
  • Improve efficiency and effectiveness
  • Improve the quality, transparency and speed of their processes

NPHII’s major objectives and activities included

  • Accelerating public health accreditation readiness activities
  • Improving organizational efficiency and effectiveness through quality improvement activities
  • Increasing performance management capacity
Governing Magazine 
GOVERNING is the nation’s leading media platform covering politics, policy and management for state and local government leaders. Recognized as the most credible and authoritative voice in its field, GOVERNING provides nonpartisan news, insight and analysis on such issues as public finance, transportation, economic development, health, energy, the environment and technology. You can also subscribe to Governing’s free monthly and daily newsletter. 
Gov’t. Innovators Network, Harvard University, JFK School of Government 
The Government Innovators Network is a marketplace of ideas and examples of government innovation for policy makers, policy advisors, and practitioners. Through their content – news, documents, descriptions of award-winning innovative programs, and events – and our online communities of practice, they strive to stimulate new ideas and bring people and ideas together around innovations in governance.
Based in the Center for Health Enhancement System Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, NIATx is a collaborative partnership between The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Paths to Recovery program, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment’s Strengthening Treatment Access and Retention program, and a number of independent treatment organizations.
NIATx works with substance abuse and behavioral health providers to improve access to and retention in treatment for all of their clients primarily by helping treatment providers use a process improvement model and methods to achieve the four aims: Reduce waiting times; Reduce no-shows; Increase admissions; and Increase continuation in treatment.
Project Management Institute
The Project Management Institute (PMI) is an international association with 110,000+ members in 40+ countries. Chartered in 1969, the organization’s goal is to support the project management profession by providing education, research, and technical tools and programs including a project management professional certification program. PMI is the fastest growing professional organization in the world.
Project Management Institute – Maine Chapter 
The Maine Chapter was established in 1986 and is recognized, per capita, as one of the most active chapters in the United States. The Chapter holds monthly meetings, publishes a newsletter, provides free technical and educational advisory services to members and interested corporations, and operates a project management training program. Non-members are always welcome to attend chapter meetings.